Keegan’s Hat of Migraine Prevention
For whatever reason, back in early December, the ceiling lights at work have started giving me headaches which occasionally escalate into migraines, this is not ideal. We have a very helpful facilities team at work but I though I’d just find a workaround myself, as I like wearing hats this seemed an easy one to […]
December Recap and The Year Ahead

December, a wonderfully triumphant mess! The Bad Bits I had a weird bug that left me knackered, we had project end which was busy and I was generally pushing myself too hard. The Good Bits Despite having a bug that left me knackered through application of drugs, coffee and rum I ignored it long enough […]
November Recap

Following up from my post on my Simple Rules I thought I’d start doing month end posts as a recap and log on how I’m doing. Mostly for myself to read back on to see how far I’ve come but hopefully help other people too. It’ll also be a great place to list the odds and […]
Amazon Fire TV, Kodi and TVHeadend

I realised recently that, like most people, I am watching more and more content on demand and that it’s actually a pain to do with Windows 10 and a HTPC. There are apps for Netflix and various UK providers but there isn’t one for Amazon Video or Sky Go. Controlling them typically requires a keyboard […]
Mini EFI Upgrade: Dumping the Coolant

As part of installing the EFI kit for Hugo I need to install a crank sensor wheel, to make this a bit easier I though I’d remove the radiator. The car has been stood for a long while anyhow so replacing the coolant and oil is a must before he’s back on the road. I […]
Project Hugo – The How

Wow, the last post for Project Hugo was two years ago! A lot of work has happened in the interim but not much actual progress. In part my anxiety diagnosis earlier this year, as discussed in my previous post, plays a part as I’ve been getting my head sorted before tackling the head gaskets but […]
Six Simple Rules For Dealing With My Anxiety

This post is the first non-technical one I’ve done in a while and will discuss my mental health issues, the problems therein and how I’m mitigating them. I talk about things like this on Facebook, Twitter and even all-staff emails at work and I thought I’d finally pen something here. This will also cover some […]
Recovering Greyhole After Ubuntu Upgrade
In my previous post I talked about some issues I hit when I upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04, it wasn’t all plain sailing and in this one I’ll cover the issues I’ve had with getting Greyhole back up and running. At the end of the last post I had my “missing” disks mounted and […]
Ubuntu 16.04 Upgrade, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

So I logged in to my home server recently and found in the MOTD that an upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 was available. Being a bit cautious about things I asked a colleague if he’d done the upgrade and he had, the only issue he’d come across was for hardware I don’t use so thought […]
Headless Raspberry Pi Setup With PiBakery

I thought I’d write up the steps I’d take to set up the Raspberry Pi 3 I’m using on my Roomba, including wifi and the rest, then discovered PiBakery and frankly this post writes itself!PiBakery is a tool for Windows and Mac which makes configuring a new Pi a block based affair. It keeps up to date […]