I thought I’d write up the steps I’d take to set up the Raspberry Pi 3 I’m using on my Roomba, including wifi and the rest, then discovered PiBakery and frankly this post writes itself!PiBakery is a tool for Windows and Mac which makes configuring a new Pi a block based affair.  It keeps up to date with the latest version of Raspbian too.  Basically you select blocks from the left hand side, change the values and once you are happy you write to an SD card by clicking “write”.  As I’m running headless on the Roomba being able to configure without the faff of plugging in to a keyboard and mouse is brilliant, it’s a little thing but they add up.

From the screenshot you’ll seepibakery-setup on first boot I configured the wifi, SSH key, changed the hostname and set the Pi to boot to console to save resources.  I was dubious but plugged in the SD card, gave it power and sure enough it appeared on the network a few minutes later.  The only step I took afterwards was to install XRDP which is handy for debugging and if I want to deploy new code to the Arduino directly from the Pi. You can install packages as part of the setup process too and I’ll certainly be doing that next time as I know what I want.

I’ve also used the same method with the PiZero to turn it into a USB gadget which worked a treat.