December, a wonderfully triumphant mess!
The Bad Bits
I had a weird bug that left me knackered, we had project end which was busy and I was generally pushing myself too hard.
The Good Bits
Despite having a bug that left me knackered through application of drugs, coffee and rum I ignored it long enough to get shit done. The entire team at work pulled off a blinder, everything clicked and we delivered an awesome demonstrator! We aren’t allowed to show it off yet as we need to add a few bits for data attribution but we have produced something beautiful! We had the Christmas party the same day and that was loads of fun too, then my friend Christy’s party a few days after that. I’ll admit the post-con blues hit hard afterwards but I’ve had a bloody good sleep over Christmas!
I’ve also done a load of hacking this month; bits on the Mini before the above hit hard, more on the server which I rebuilt only to revert it and even hacked my hat to prevent migraines at work. I’ve pictures and such so will write these up soon now that the dust is settling.
The Coming Year
Hopefully my role at work will change slightly soon which will be awesome, more details once/if it happens, but the things I’m looking forward to are the deadlines… I’ve signed up for a track day in Hugo for the end of April and the London to Brighton Run in May! I’ve also the Nerf shooting gallery to make for the beer fest for May Day weekend and hopefully will be attending World Maker Faire in August.
This year has been a bit of a revelation for me, with the anxiety and depression diagnosis and finally getting treatment I feel I’m finally on the right track, this year I think it’s time to get up to speed.