Fabrication Station, Part 2

Now I’ve finished rebuilding my old printer so it actually works I’ve a printer that can print big things fast. That’s because it has a 0.8mm nozzle, most printers have 0.4mm, and an E3D Volcano hotend. This thing really shifts! For context, the parts for the first half of the dual enclosure would’ve taken about […]

Getting (Re)Started

Picking up where I left off around a year ago, the battery is screwed so rigged up to the charger from MacFeegle Prime to power it for now. First up I’m getting the motors working again and after that I’ll get the encoders on the wheels working. The encoders will allow me to measure the […]

Printer Ahoy!

My projects are like a logic puzzle at the minute and I’ve finally got one bit in place. My old POS printer is reborn! I needed to design a new carriage to hold the extruder which was a pain but only took a few days and I’ll release that file soon. Now this is done […]

NE-1 Drives!

Only a quick update but I’ve got the motors and encoders rigged up on NE-1 and it drives! A more detailed video will be coming soon.

Previously On, Project Bumblebee…

I’ve been looking at the Roomba today and remembered that back when it still vaguely worked I did a series of short videos where I reverse engineered the internals to the point where I could remote control it. I’m not going to lie, it was quite janky and I never really got it working properly […]

Robots, Printers, and… Toilet Sensors?

Much has been a’doing!   I’m wiring up the chassis for NE-1 at the minute, just using breadboard, jumpers and hot-glue at the minute.  Once I get things working I’ll switch to perma-proto board and an actual lid for the chassis.  Also just running off AA batteries at the minute, I’ll make the new battery […]

Fabrication Station

A staple of the 3d printing community, Ikea Lack tables make for excellent enclosures. I’m waiting on a third to be delivered and a whole bunch of parts need printing but my workspace is slowly coming together. Tomorrow I crack on with the Roomba! The legs are straight by the way, a very weird lens […]

NE-1 Intro Video!

My first video in the NE-1 series is up on YouTube!  Early access for patrons now, it’ll be public for everyone else on Wednesday.

Skateboard Mockup

I’ve thrown together a simple mockup of the layout for my new skateboard to check clearance and whatnot, It’ll be tight but should work a treat! It’ll be dual motor, one front and one rear, and I’ll be mounting both behind the trucks so if I hit a curb they wont be destroyed.  It does […]

Social Distancing In The Smallest Rooms…

Pubs have reopened but the threat of covid hasn’t yet passed, social distancing is key but how do you know if the toilets are free without going in to the toilets? This is the problem I was given to solve by a friend who runs The Castle Tap in Reading. The solution I’m building, and […]