TaW: Week 2 – Modified Bag

Week two of the Thing a Week challenge is a simple but effective modification to my bag, the addition of a second strap to keep my bag in place while cycling.   I’ve been looking for a decent bag for a while but stuck with this one as it’s yet to die or find one better, […]

{X} a {Y} per {Z}; Make, Thing, Week

At the start of every year there are things people embark on, more a new years hobby than resolution, like take a photo a day or go for a run each week.  I hadn’t planned on joining in but found myself making a case for my tablet at the end of the first week and though, sod […]

Prusa Frame Build Finished

Quick update regarding the printer, the frame is built and all three axes are finished.  Next up is sourcing the hot-end and electronics.  I’m lucky enough to have a RepRap user group nearby in the Thames Valley RepRap User Group who have a custom electronics board so I’ll be sourcing a kit from them.  They […]

Desk Build (Plan B)

When I started this blog, way back when, I started with a series of posts regarding a desk build.  The idea was to make a set of Hungarian shelves, similar to the bookcase I’d previously built, as both DVD storage and a folding desk.  This plan stalled when I couldn’t find a hinge mechanism that I liked. […]

Game of Life

[Updated] “Gamification” is a term I first heard at a Microsoft internal conference a few years back when Jane McGonigal gave a talk on the topic.  I’ll admit I was a little sceptical to start with but the talk she gave was very similar to the TED talk she gave not long after. What prompted this […]

Mars, Attacked

Today was a big day for science and for the advancement of space exploration in general, Curiosity landed on Mars. I was up at the crack of dawn(ish) UK time to watch this online just to see the look on the faces of the guys and gals in mission control when word came through of […]

The Reward of Hard Work

There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when a long running project splutters to life for the first time.  Be it an engine firing, a piece of software running bug free for the first time or even the simple pleasure of a set of shelves in place, it’s a wonderful feeling that I […]

Facebook Integration

I’ve added the new Facebook plugin for WordPress to the site, it’s going to take a while to get configured properly so bare with me.

The Chain

I’m an avid follower of Lifehacker, particularly mind hacks.  One that has appeared recently, and appears to be gaining momentum, is Jerry Seinfeld’s “don’t break the chain” time management technique. The idea is simple, set yourself a few goals to achieve each day and if you manage them all you mark the day on a […]