DeskCycle Stats Update

A long while back now I bought a DeskCycle to use at work to help my body stay more active whilst at my desk, standing desks aren’t an option so this seemed ideal. I’m also a massive geek, which is a massive surprise I know, so I built a PC interface for it using an Arduino […]
Project Bumblebee Videos
While I was doing the initial tinkering with the Roomba to figure out what made it tick I made a load of video logs more for my reference than anything. I’ve put them up on YouTube and will have to remember to carry on doing them…
1st Gen Roomba Overview
Before I can rebuild Bumblebee, my 1st generation Roomba, I need to figure out how he works. I’m going to split this into three sections; Power , motors and sensors. I’m going to cover how to interface with each of these in future posts. Power This was simple enough, I charged the battery and put […]
New Domain:
I’ve just realised that the .engineering TLD exists so I’ve bought and I’ve pointed it towards this site. The old and links will carry on working but this is the new URL and I can’t imagine it changing in a hurry!
Project Bumblebee

Bumblebee? Bumblebee is my Roomba, so named as long ago he lost his voice. About a year ago his logic board started playing up and though he was still able to clean, at the end of each cleaning cycle he wouldn’t go into standby and his battery would drain in no time. At that […]
Ongoing Projects and Projects Ongoing
I have a lot of projects on the go, some stalled and some my current obsession, and that’s ok. I’ve previously beaten myself up about not getting things finished but the truth is it’s just how my brain works so I’ve decided to work with the meatsack between my ears rather than fight it Here […]
Preview Blackmagic Intensity Pro Input in VLC
I’ve a Blackmagic Intensity Pro capture card in my machine at work, initially we were going to capture video for webcasts from a professional camera but that never came to pass. It’s been sat in my machine gathering dust soI thought it would make quite a nice virtual monitor for embedded devices. As I’m playing with […]
Kodi PVR, Initial Thoughts and Tweaks

I’ve been using Kodi as my PVR for a week now and I’ve discovered a few quirks, solutions and tweaks that have make a big difference to the whole user experience. Overall I’m increasingly impressed with how Kodi has developed both at it’s core and the addons. Since my last post Kodi 16 has also […]
Farewell Media Center, Hello Kodi

Out With The Old… I’ve been a long time supporter of Windows Media Center but it’s always had its quirks and Microsoft announced with Windows 8 that it wouldn’t be developing it further, this is old news. A shame as I know how much effort went into its development and it was almost a brilliant […]
Dual USB Cable for Chromecast Audio

Not long after I made the switch to Android Google announced the Chromecast Audio, a cheap little device that plugs into speakers you already own and gives you the ability to stream music from your phone or browser. As they also include synchronising of the speakers so you can cast to multiple rooms I figured […]