MacFeegle Prime – Overview

This is definitely going to change with time but this is the current vague, but slowly solidifying, plan for MacFeegle Prime, my competitor for PiWars 2020! Concept This robot is heavily inspired by Johnny Five from Short Circuit. To that end, it’ll be tracked, have a pair of arms, a head, and shoulder mounted nerf […]
I’m going to (Pi)War!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, I’ve fallen in to the trap of just posting to my Facebook page, but I have big news. I’m going to PiWars 2020! I put together a design and application for the event and I was accepted in to the intermediate category with my robot MacFeegle Prime! […]
Blood Donation and Anxiety
This is mostly a note to my future self for next time I give blood but if you don’t already and are able to do so, please also give blood! You know, to hospitals rather than in a jar as a gift… It’s the day after and you are pretty damn anxious, also your legs […]
Docker, A Reverse Proxy, This Site and LetsEncrypt!

The site was migrated to SSDNodes last year as my previous host was becoming less reliable and I fancied something more versatile. I’ve not covered it on here but here is how my site runs, now with added HTTPS thanks to LetsEncrypt! A bit of history. This is a WordPress site and has been since it […]
Bass Guitar Rebuild
Just after Christmas I bought myself a new bass guitar, an Ibanez GSRM-20B in a walnut finish. It was supposed to have a dark stain that allowed the woods grain to shine through but it didn’t work out that way and was almost black. Now refinished using elbow grease and danish oil, I’m very happy […]
Site Migration
If you see this message after visiting then DNS changes have successfully propagated! I’m moving hosts to SSD Nodes, this will give me more control over my site for the same price I was paying as well as a handy VPS to play with Docker!
Hictop 3DP-18: Marlin FW Example Configuration

I’ve been quiet on here for a while but anyone how follows me on Facebook will know I’ve not been idle, one of the things I’ve been working on is getting my Hictop 3DP-18 printer running stock Marlin Firmware. The main reason for doing this is that despite the Open Source basis for the Hictop Prusa […]
Nerf Gun Shooting Gallery

This is a work in progress as it has turned out to be far more complicated than I thought it would be! I’ve learned a lot about how to design parts for my 3d printer and how to use the laser cutter at Reading Hackspace too though so already winning! Over the passed few years […]
Automated Broadband Monitoring on Linux
I’m trialing a 4G home broadband router at the minute to see if it can give me decent upload as apposed to the 1mbps I currently get so I thought I’d look into automatically running speedtests. Here’s how and it turned out to be quite simple. Caveat, this runs on Linux. There is a really […]
3D Printer Built!

As long time readers of the blog may remember I tried to build a 3d printer many years ago without any success. The problem was that at the time I didn’t really have a need for one, didn’t know what was involved or what parts I actually needed. I also bought printed parts from one […]