Robots, Robots Building Robots, Skateboards, and (pi)WAR!

A few updates!  I’ve received the chassis for the NE-1 robot along with a Teensy to control it.  I’ve a bunch of cheap motor controllers I’m going to try with it shortly, with heatsinks on they should be more than up for the task.  The chassis is a bit bigger than expected, it’s about as […]

I Knew It Wood Work…

Got the workbench finished this eve, I will have plenty of room to work with now! I’ve been using a folding camping table as a desk since lockdown kicked in so this will be a massive improvement! I added a back stop to stop things falling down and had to remove the keyboard holder as […]

Day 1 of Being a Robotics Engineer…

… I spend it doing wood working! First photo is a new desk, second the render of what I’m aiming for, the last is the current one that I hacked together when lockdown kicked in. At some point I’ll have a CNC router and have a robot do this for me but I’m not there […]

First Day of School…

My first day off reduced hours and I’ve that excited/anxious feeling I used to get when starting a new year at school! With that in mind, an obligatory ‘uniform in front of the door’ in my Foxy Fitzroy ROS t-shirt!

NE-1 – “Bumblebee”

Currently more than a little worse for wear but we can rebuild him, we have the technology! Last time I worked on it was before I really knew how to use my 3d printer, possibly before I even had one, so much of it was attached by hot gluing Lego plates to the chassis and […]

Funding Plans

So as I mentioned in my previous post I’ll be putting any money raised here towards my projects and I thought I’d give two examples of what I have planned. For my NE-1 robot, based around an old Roomba, it has all its sensors on board which I’ll be able to use but these are […]

Going Pro!

Welcome reader to the first post on my Patreon page!  I’ll be designing robotics of various types and not only sharing the results but all the files, code, and knowhow needed to build them yourself.   I have a long post over on my blog detailing the projects that are already in the works, but […]

Installing RedBoard+ Library on Ubuntu

Macfeegle Prime is heading back to PiWars! A lot has happened in that time, ignoring the whole *gestures broadly at the world*, a lot has moved on in software terms. We now have Ubuntu 20.04 for the Pi, ROS Noetic has been released for it, and Approximate Engineering has rewritten the RedBoard+ library from scratch. […]

Big News, Going Pro!

I have taken the plunge and I’ve gone part time at work, dropping to three days a week, to give me far more time to concentrate on my lifelong passion of robotics with the aim of making it my career!  This wasn’t exactly planned if I’m honest but the result of a recent epiphany, building […]