Subversion to TFS 2012 Migration: Part 2

If you followed the steps in the previous article and everything went smoothly, good for you!  My migration hit a few snags, here are the big issues we hit and how we worked around them. The first issue we hit was due to the fact we use HTTPS and hit an issue with the certificate, this […]

Subversion to TFS 2012 Migration: Part 1

When I started at VoiceVault I mentioned I used to support Team Foundation Server in a previous life, it came to light that it has functionality that may benefit the company and make things a bit easier to manage than Subversion.  I was then tasked with investigating migration from Subversion to TFS, my first stop […]

TaW: Week 5 – UPS Cable

I’ve a few weeks to make up for due to the madness of the Air Ambulance challenge but here is the belated Thing for week 5, a UPS cable for my PC at work.  I used a cable from one of my colleagues machines to get the pinout at the RJ45 end, cut a spare […]

The Challenge: Context

Two weeks ago today, while drunk, I agreed to do something stupid for charity.  I often do stupid things while drunk, as is the human condition, but when I woke up I rolled with it.  If I’m honest, despite the effort I’ve put into publicising it, I’ve mentally down played it to myself as the […]

TaW: Week 4 – RepRap Controller Board

I’ve been working on this for over a week and to be honest, failing.  The driver boards I soldered at the Hackspace were a breeze and despite having the same soldering iron at home now I’m really struggling.  I’m going to head to the space on Wednesday for open hack night, take my kit and […]

No ‘Air Ambulance Challenge

A few weeks back my favoured pub, The Alehouse, was broken into and the charity boxes for the Thames Valley and Chiltern Air Ambulance were stolen.  Fast forward a few weeks and I was there for their winter beer festival, propping up the bar as usual, when a stereotypical question was asked; How much would […]

TaW: Week 3 – Dual Stepper Motor Controllers

After a trip to the Reading Hackspace and a few hours with one of the excellent soldering irons they have I’ve made short work of the two dual stepper motor controllers for my 3d printer.  The only components missing are the drivers which are ESD sensitive so I’m fitting once the main controller board is complete […]

Tool Tip: Cleaning A Soldering Iron Tip

Still working on the electronics for the 3d printer, my overdue thing a week, so posting another tip I’ve just discovered regarding cleaning a soldering iron tip quickly.  Simply remove the tip, place it very carefully in the chuck of a cordless drill and spin it against some sandpaper.  I’ve only a cheap iron so […]

Kitchen Trick: Freezing Pesto and Passata

Between a minor electrical explosion at my local and a string of migraines my thing for week three is taking longer than expected so this week I’m sharing a kitchen trick that works a treat. I love to cook but live by myself which means that sauces and things in jars often go off before I […]