Between a minor electrical explosion at my local and a string of migraines my thing for week three is taking longer than expected so this week I’m sharing a kitchen trick that works a treat.

I love to cook but live by myself which means that sauces and things in jars often go off before I use them, the worst offenders for this was pesto and Passata.  I’ve discovered that silicon ice-cube trays are brilliant for storing these in the freezer in single serve portions.


I often take cous cous based salads to work and putting a frozen cube of pesto in to the box in the morning will help keep the food chilled yet defrost by lunch.  Likely it doesn’t help that much but it can’t hinder matters.

The next post should be a Thing a Week post back to the more geeky topic of 3d printing as I’m currently working on the electronics for my 3d printer.  Stay tuned!