Reverse Tunnels and RaspBMC

I’m once more dabbling in Linux at work so figured I’d give RaspBMC another go with my new knowledge of Linux troubleshooting workarounds… First of all I thought I’d have a play with SSH so set up a reverse tunnel to access my Pi remotely.  I followed the same steps in this article to no […]

Geoserver, Leaflet Angular Directive and viewParams

Catchy title, I know… In the big GIS project I’m working on we have a large set of data, 100 million rows+, which needs to be rendered as an overlay.  This turned out to be tricky as I’m not really a GIS developer and learning as I go. I figured it out through trial and error so […]

Bluetooth Headphone Upgrade

 I’ve a trusty paint of headphones I’ve had for ten years or so and used to use them when playing my electric drum kit, the long cable was particularly useful at the time but now I use them almost exclusively at my desk the cable is proving a pain in the neck.  I have a […]

OneNote Kanban and Bullet Journal(ish)

Lifehacking!  Until recently I’ve spent more time blogging about it than doing it but in the last few months I’ve found a task/time tracking technique that seems to be working and today had an idea of how to adopt a complimentary method too;  Bullet Journal and Kanban. Last year I started using Bullet Journal, which […]

JavaScript IDE, Git and Deployment

So I was working on a set of scripts to automatically commit and deploy HTML, JavaScript and CSS stuff using PowerShell however as I’ve just discovered WebStorm which does all this and allows for live preview and debugging of code I’m not going to bother anymore! After installing it I quickly managed to configure auto-deployment […]

Simple Moleskine Embossing

I cant imagine I’m the first to do this but a simple way to emboss a Moleskine notebook is to doodle on a postit note and to draw over your design with loads of pressure. Crude but a simple trick. My 2014 notebook still needs to be laser engraved though, a project for after Christmas […]

Git, FTP and Cygwin

So I’ve been trying to get to grips with scripting for git to allow me to commit then deploy via FTP on Windows. I discovered git-ftp which looked promising but it was Linux flavoured, I followed the rabbit hole all the way to installing Cygwin and attempting to build it for Windows before realising I […]

GeoJSON and PowerShell

I’m working a lot with GeoServer at the minute and needed to get a start and end date for data available in a layer, I don’t have direct access to the backend so thought I’d have a go at using PowerShell to get what I need. PowerShell 3.0 onward has ConvertFrom-Json and Invoke-WebRequest so it […]

TaW: Calling Time

The thing a week challenge was a noble one and though I’ve not blogged about a thing a week I’ve certainly not stopped making things, doubly so in my new job in which I build cool things for a living though more on that when I’m allowed to talk about it… Of the random things […]

TaW: 20 – When Cosplayers Attack…

The tripod strap I made in the previous post was when I was en route to London Film and Comicon to film the first video for our new webseries, The Series of Wonderful Nonsense.  I think it came out well, two days online and we’re over a thousand views already!  The facebook page is online […]