Lego PVR Case

The new PVR I built back in May didn’t have a case at the time and though I had lofty plans to make a beautiful wooden case with laser cut lid it turned out to be beyond my skills at the time. Instead I did what any self respecting maker would do and bought a […]
Satellite Applications Catapult Inventorthon – Bring Your Own Disaster

The Satellite Applications Catapult are very lucky to have the facilities they have and believe they have the potential to help save lives. To that end they’re opening their toy box for everyone to play with to try and do just that at their next hackathon. The premise is simple; in a disaster scenario, how would you use their facilities […]
My Humax YouView box died recently and I’ve had a craving to build a new DVR, I’ve still the tuners left over from my previous HTPC the JukeboxHD. For frequent readers you’ll know I’ve been trying Linux more and more so to start with I tried building a Kodibuntu based HTPC using an old laptop. […]
Unity UI for DeskCycle Arduino Speedometer

[Updated, see end of article] Since my last post I’ve improved the Arduino speedo code to respond to requests and also tweaked the gear ration to be a bit closer to my road bike. I’ve also implemented a simple speedo interface using Unity. The Unity application also automatically searches the COM ports on the machine […]
Arduino Speedometer for the DeskCycle

All my previous jobs were based in the town I live in so I used to be able to cycle to work, with my current job it’s far enough away I can’t reasonably cycle to work. As such, and as the company is jokingly referred to as the “Cake-apult” for the amount of cake we […]
GNU Terry Pratchett
“A man is not dead while his name is still spoken.” – Going Postal, Chapter 4 prologue A touching tribute, one I’ve heartily embraced.
Ending Illegal Fishing Using Games Technology
As we’ve just had our big media launch of the project I thought I’d share some information about the project I’ve been working on as part of my job at the Satellite Applications Catapult here in the UK. For the passed 18 months we have been working on a project with Pew Charitable Trusts with […]
Dad’s Clock
Work has been mental for a few months so despite doing odds and sods on Hugo and a buttload of work on our illegal fishing project at work (hopefully more on that soon) I’ve not posted anything in a while so thought I’d post about a clock I’m building for my Dad. My dad’s an […]
Project Hugo – The What
In my previous post I covered why I want to modernise my Mini and in this post I want to cover some of the intended mods. Some are simple, some are sensible and some are downright bonkers and I intend to tackle them in that order! As I’m still driving my first car, second if you don’t […]
Project Hugo – The Why
I’ve been planning the restoration of my classic Mini, which goes by the name Hugo, for years now and he is finally road legal! The only issue is that a few days after this happened the wiring loom burned out… While waiting for the new loom to be delivered my friend Chris has been doing some work […]