It gets cold in our office as for reasons unknown the AC unit appears to be binary; on as cold as possible or off, heat is an unknown concept to it. To that end, and to see how cold an erratic the temperature is in our office I threw together a .NET Gadgeteer based temperature logger. It records the temperature and relative humidity to an SD card every thirty seconds but also hosts a simple webserver to allow for on demand readings by anyone in the office. It was a nice break from screaming at the list of errors the TFS Integration Platform had been throwing at me for the proceeding days…
To speed things up I took examples of code from Mike Dodaro and Stephen Jonston‘s blogs, if you are fans of Gadgeteer these are two blogs you really should keep an eye on. In fact, I’ve covered some of Stephen’s work in the past with the payload system he developed using the Gadgeteer platform.
My data logger using the temperature and humidity sensor for the obvious reason; an Ethernet module to allow for on demand readings and time synchronisation; an SD card for storing the log; and the usual USB power/GHI Spider mainboard combo.
The code can be found here and requires the latest firmware and SDK from GHI, as of the date of the post that is.