For the workspace I’m building I’m combining a set of shelves and a folding desk, as if a set of Hungarian Shelves mated with a writing bureau.  I recently build a set of those shelves for the back of my room so these should match nicely.

284164_10150242651463096_517613095_7464576_3446591_n[1]Those shelves (left) were made of two sheets of MDF from B&Q, a bargain at £36 for both as the price included cutting!  I’ve gone back to them for the same reason but for this project set myself the challenge of using only one sheet.  There should be enough spares left over from both projects to make a TV stand too but that’s a project for a later date.

These are the before and after pictures of the MDF sheet, it was about 5 minutes work for the fellow at B&Q and the cuts are square as can be, a lot quicker and tidier than I could have managed to boot!


shelf before
2440x1220x18 MDF – Before

shelf after
Stack of shelves, uprights and a desktop

One word of warning, the blade their saw uses is 3mm so factor this in!  The last shelf ended up being over an inch shorter after the others but this could work well, I’ll use it as the shelf the desk hinges off and it can act as a conduit for cables.

As with most plans, they are subject to change, I got lucky this time but hopefully someone else will learn from my experience.  Hopefully I’ll get a cracking peice of furniture out of this for only £16 and some elbow grease.
