
Big News, Going Pro!

I have taken the plunge and I’ve gone part time at work, dropping to three days a week, to give me far more time to concentrate on my lifelong passion of robotics with the aim of making it my career!  This wasn’t exactly planned if I’m honest but the result of a recent epiphany, building […]

December Recap and The Year Ahead

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December, a wonderfully triumphant mess! The Bad Bits I had a weird bug that left me knackered, we had project end which was busy and I was generally pushing myself too hard. The Good Bits Despite having a bug that left me knackered through application of drugs, coffee and rum I ignored it long enough […]

November Recap

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Following up from my post on my Simple Rules I thought I’d start doing month end posts as a recap and log on how I’m doing.  Mostly for myself to read back on to see how far I’ve come but hopefully help other people too.  It’ll also be a great place to list the odds and […]

Six Simple Rules For Dealing With My Anxiety

This post is the first non-technical one I’ve done in a while and will discuss my mental health issues, the problems therein and how I’m mitigating them.  I talk about things like this on Facebook, Twitter and even all-staff emails at work and I thought I’d finally pen something here.  This will also cover some […]

New Job!

Things have been a bit manic since the last post, both in job hunting and random other things that have made the last few weeks disappear, including the inaugural Reading Hackspace Hackathon at Horniman Gardens! The most important part is the job hunt, which was both successful and massive successful.  The repetition is entirely justified […]

First Day of School, My Ride

I mentioned in my last post I rode on a crane on my first day of school, this is the crane in question and my Dad behind the wheel.  Glad to say, both are still going strong.

Sleep and the Creative Mind

Like many creative people, I don’t find sleep easily.  This is a common theme among those for whom their mind is their instrument and as I lay in bed last night starting into the darkness, trying not to think of the latest crazy thing to do next to add to my list of projects, a thought slipped […]

Air Ambulance Challange Update – £2508 raised!

Now that the deadline for what I’ll get waxed has passed, I can confirm we’ve raised £2508 including GiftAid!  This means in about two hours time I’ll be getting back, bikini, crack and my legs waxed.  Bikini was substituted for sack as apparently it hurts as much as the sack getting waxed but without risk […]

The Challenge: Context

Two weeks ago today, while drunk, I agreed to do something stupid for charity.  I often do stupid things while drunk, as is the human condition, but when I woke up I rolled with it.  If I’m honest, despite the effort I’ve put into publicising it, I’ve mentally down played it to myself as the […]

No ‘Air Ambulance Challenge

A few weeks back my favoured pub, The Alehouse, was broken into and the charity boxes for the Thames Valley and Chiltern Air Ambulance were stolen.  Fast forward a few weeks and I was there for their winter beer festival, propping up the bar as usual, when a stereotypical question was asked; How much would […]